Group Homes for Children in Central Florida

What Group Home services does FOCF offer?

Since 2008, Friends of Children and Families has been providing quality group care for youth who have been removed from their homes due to abuse and/or neglect. We are committed to “turning hurting into healing” by providing a safe and nurturing environment for youth that have been entrusted into our care.
We believe that every young person deserves to receive loving care and respect, and to be given the tools and resources that allow them to reach their full potential. The youth in our program reside in homes located in residential communities, where they receive support as they attend school, participate in extracurricular activities, and are taught the skills they need to become successful adults. Most importantly they are in an environment where they are free from abuse or neglect.
Our residential group homes operate under the Trauma Informed Model, which means that we are aware of the psychological, social, and biological impact that traumatic experiences have had on the youth in our care. We are guided by the following principles:

  • Safety: The youth we serve are made to feel physically and emotionally safe.
  • Trustworthiness and Transparency: Decisions made within the agency are made with an openness, and with the goal of building trust.
  • Collaboration: We recognize the importance of building a solid support system to help the youth in our care.
  • Empowerment: The youth in our program are given a voice and a choice regarding decisions that impact them.

Who qualifies for group home services?

All children must be referred by the authorized designee of the “Lead Agency” and capable of functioning in a non-secure environment. The “court” is the guardian of the child. FCF is cognizant of the need to ensure civil rights compliance.

The child must be between the ages of twelve (12) and seventeen (17) years, adjudicated dependent and in need of residential care as evidenced by their need for “at risk of sex trafficking” services. At risk of sex trafficking is defined as an individual who has experienced trauma, such as abuse, neglect, and/or maltreatment and has one or more of the accompanying risk factors:

  • History of running away and /or homelessness
  • History of sexual abuse and/or sexually acting out behavior
  • Inappropriate interpersonal and/or social media boundaries
  • Family history of exposure to human trafficking
  • Out of home instability as indicated by repeated moves from less restrictive levels of care.

How does Friends of Children & Families assist with group home services?

Every Child Has the Right
…to receive loving care and respect as a unique human being.
…to grow up in freedom and dignity in a neighborhood of people who accept them with understanding, respect, and friendship.
…to receive education, training, and career guidance to prepare for a useful and satisfying life.
…to receive help in overcoming emotional, physical, intellectual or social deprivation.
…to be cherished by a family of their own, either his/her family helped by readily available services and supports to reassume his/her care, an adoptive family, or a continuing foster family.
…to receive help in understanding and dealing with family issues, and in developing confidence in their own self-worth.

How do I get help?

All of our referrals come thru the Department of Children and Families. We do not offer community services via our group homes or private referrals.